FERTILIZER | Boomer’s Blend

Humate Plus

  • Feeds existing beneficial microbes, increasing soil fertility.

  • Stimulates root growth, allowing more efficient nutrient uptake.

  • Contains composted organic poultry manure extract, an organic nitrogen source.

  • Improves the health of the soil over the long-term, helping it regulate itself better.

  • Is long-lasting, meaning it doesn’t need to be re-applied as frequently as other fertilizers, making it very cost effective.

Plants do not simply suck nutrients out of the soil. Just like human beings, plants need help to digest and absorb their nutrients. In people, the help is supplied by intestinal flora; in plants, beneficial soil microbes break down soil nutrients and make them available to plants. Liquid Humate Plus feeds these microbes, increasing their populations and thus, the fertility of the soil. Liquid Humate Plus also contains naturally-occurring rooting hormones to increase root mass and root length, allowing plants to absorb nutrients more efficiently.


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